Arabie Saoudite
RetourABOUT ARCHITECTURE AND WELL-BEING - Luxury and beautiful aera for all, including elderly or disabled people
Mission d'AMO
Assignment : sharing emotions with All residents, including children, elderly and Guests in situation of physical, hearing, visual, mental, psychic and cognitive disability
Analysis and development of the different ‘buildings’ with the emphasis on the quality of use and well-being for all types of users.
· Passionate about psychology and sociology, philosophy and architecture, Nadia SAHMI has studied the human interactions and identified missing links between different ‘uses’. Based on the desire to recondition the relationship between the individual and the ‘built’, an extensive set of design tools has been developed.
· Such consultancy will always be based on an unconditional respect for the biophilic, philocal, relational and plural human being through its customs and ages, the natural site of the country, his world heritage, and the compliance of the concept imaged by architects.
· Empathie et Bien-être d’habitants biophiles, philocales, additionnels et pluriels, dans le respect de l’histoire et de la culture du pays et de l’architecture projetée sont nos maîtres mots
"“You shouldn’t only give people what they like, but also what they could like.” (Jacques Chancel)"
Le plus
(FR) Cette identification des facilitateurs et des obstacles, des déterminants psychiques et physiques permet d’affiner le projet, les rôles de chacun et de mettre en place les dispositifs, espaces, matériels, services qui peuvent être des absorbeurs de tension, améliorer l’accueil et améliorer la qualité de vie et d’Us-âges des Resorts, des villas privatives et de leurs abords et jardins.
(EN) The proposed method to identify ‘facilitators’ and ‘obstacles’ (physical or psychological obstacles) allow to refine the project, the role of each actor, and, to provide tools, spaces, materials and services that will reduce stress, improve the welcoming and improve the quality of use for all user groups, whether these are users of Resorts, Private Villas and their surroundings and gardens.
Mise en oeuvre d’aide au maintien en cristal
Crystal hold mid implementation